Sunday, February 24, 2008

Business Portal

Business Portal


Posted: 23 Feb 2008 06:59 AM CST

If you’re looking for an internet based home business, you are not alone. Statistically speaking, every 12 seconds, someone joins a home based internet business… and that statistic is growing. A recent poll estimated that, in only 2 years, internet based the amount of business owners and marketers online will have nearly doubled! In an effort to research this growing phenomenon and understand what the attraction is, 500 successful internet business owners were asked to list the top three reasons they recommend joining an online business. The following are the findings;


Overwhelmingly, the most abundant response to our question was Lifestyle. Most online business owners said they enjoyed the freedom of working for themselves, dictating when they work (many like to sleep late), and being able to travel.

One Internet Business Owner remarked “My first month online, I made nearly half my annual income, PART TIME! It was right then I knew I had found what I was looking for. I quit my “real job” and have never looked back.” Jim Burke of EDC Diamond commented “I run my business from home or on vacation. Before I joined an online business I felt stuck. If I went on a vacation I felt guilty. Now I pack up the wife and kids and head off…it’s as simple as bringing my laptop.” Yet another successful online marketer called it, “Freedom of choice to lead the lifestyle you want and dream about”

With a total internet population of 6,606,971,659 and growing by the second, it is no surprise so many are choosing to capitalize on the largest and most accessible market - ever.

Internet entrepreneur Ellie Drake side it best.

“When else (in history) have you been able to leave your home, go to a tropical island, and market your product instantly to someone in Australia, Germany, England, and the US simultaneously? That is what internet business is all about!”

Well said Ellie.


Initially, when conducting our survey, we had expected Income to be the most important factor in joining an internet business opportunity. We were surprised to find income in (a close) second.

Every “web-preneuer” interviewed said that their income now dwarfs their previous incomes made offline. When asked why, responses were similar across the board. Most commented on the ability to market and sell to a much larger audience than could ever be possible before. One interesting story is that of John Hart. John used to drive from business to business selling wholesale Tuff bed covers (bed covers for pick up trucks). In October of last year John joined the online community and began taking orders through his website. In 5 short months he outsold his competition 2 to 1 on the net. This included major auto part stores like Checkers and Auto Zone, the former leaders in the industry John recently bought his family a new Lexus. John does not own a truck.

Another success story comes from the online business opportunity known as EDC Diamond and EDC Gold (EDC = easy daily cash). This online business promotes a “bundle” of software that, upon joining, a buyer acquires the full resale rights to the products. The bundle includes e-books, software, and many online marketing programs valued over $100,000. The buyer can obtain these rights for a comparatively low $2500 or $997 dependant on the package.

In our research EDC Diamond and EDC Gold has made millionaires out of as many as 150 of it’s members. Many quick rich schemes online guarantee overnight success, only to leave a buyer feeling ripped off. The reason many like Dave Dubbs and Brian Troinano regularly earn $150,000 - $250,000 every month can be attributed to dedicated to outstanding support and training all offered in the EDC back office. What really got us is the average age of these EDC millionaires, 24.


Automation? What? What exactly is automation we asked? In his book, The Four Hour Work Week, Timothy Ferris teaches the way of the “NR,” or the “New Rich.” In what has become a blueprint to life for many Web Entrepreneurs, Timothy discusses many simple and straightforward ways to “automate” any online business. It seems now more than ever online industry giants are letting go of the reigns and allowing their computers and hired VA (Virtual Assistants) take over much of the work load to free their time. Many respondents commented on the ability to set up an automated system to handle over 90% of any online business, essentially utilizing the hardest worker in your employ, your computer.

I can hear you asking now, “is that really possible?” I was skeptical myself. It seemed almost to easy, and Momma always said….

So in efforts to validate the claims of automation I contacted Craig Garcia, a friend from EDC Diamond and EDC Gold. Craig was recognized as one of the webs strongest marketers and is now part owner of EDC Diamond and EDC Gold.

“So Craig, many claims have been made about web 2.0 allowing for mostly automated online businesses. Many online millionaires are claiming to work less than 10 hours a week! Is this possible, and if so how?”

“Actually, I’m happy you asked. Many systems have been created to try to automate online earning, but most only cover the basics. With the introduction of web 2.0 and my newest ventures EDC Diamond and EDC Gold, we truly have automated the earning process. In fact, many inexperienced web marketers have jumped on board, and with our stellar support and training, have made over $40,000 in their first 2 months! I don’t know about you but that is more than I used to make in a year!” Craig seemed to chuckle like a proud father. “In fact Brian, why don’t you try it for yourself? I’m sure you wont be disappointed. I do have to caution you however. This IS NOT a get rich quick scam. This IS NOT MLM, pyramid schemes, or any of that hype and fluff.” He stressed. “This is a true business. Once you join you become a business owner. Make no mistake, the newbie’s who have found success followed our training precisely. They worked hard to learn how to market on the internet, and now that work is paying off. They have set in place an automated system and are raking in HUGE amounts of cash.”

I was stunned. Here is a guy who I had expected to hard sell me on a get rich quick scheme, and rather, he was sounding more like the business owners of old. Work hard, then set it on auto pilot. Maybe, online business is not so different after all? Just a real way to market to nearly 7 billion people at the same time?

Well, I have to admit, during my research into the online business community, I was intrigued. I imagined writing on a beach somewhere in Costa Rica. I imagined watching my bank account fill to the hilt. I imagined setting a business on autopilot and remembering what truly matters in life.

Just then I looked around my small grey cubicle. I looked at my schedule, I had to work on Saturday again. Looked at a boss I couldn’t stand for one more minute…..and told myself.

Currency Trading Forecast - Spotting the Big Trends

Posted: 23 Feb 2008 04:41 AM CST

Many traders like to follow currency trading forecasts from news wires and brokerage houses. Here we are going to give you some tips on spotting the ones that are good and also how to do it yourself.

Today we live in an age of instant communications and information overload and there are numerous people involved in currency trading forecasts:

Banks, brokers, vendors and TV analysts and most of them are dead wrong.

Because they either forecast to far ahead - or they base their view simply on the supply and demand fundamentals.

There are problems with both methods.

You will often see annual reports telling you where such and such a currency will end up in a year - How on earth can you do that?

We live in a world where events change constantly and you simply cannot look too far into the future as world events will simply make the forecast redundant.

Supply and demand fundamentals don’t move prices - human opinion of them does.

Humans are not logical and we base our trading views not on logic but on the emotions of greed and fear. The facts are there for all to see but we all draw different conclusions from the facts presented to us.

Markets tend to collapse when the fundamentals are most bullish and rally when their most bearish - this is investor psychology at work.

Humans push prices to far from fair value and these price spikes don’t in many instances reflect the supply and demand facts, they reflect greed and fear.

So how do you forecast correctly?

The answer is never to look to far ahead and simply back up your opinion with the reality of price change - this is obvious from forex charts.

Forex charts not only give you the advantage of seeing the fundamentals reflected in price action, they also tell you how humans perceive the fundamentals.

In conclusion you get a complete picture to look at.

By using a forex chart you are trading reality of price change and can act upon it.

You’re trading the facts and truth you see - not speculating into the future, so the next time you see a currency trading forecast that sounds convincing, check your forex charts for confirmation.

Trade the facts as they are and the truth of price movement.

Looking for an MLM company

Posted: 23 Feb 2008 04:15 AM CST

The growth of the Internet and people looking to earn some extra money from home, paved the way for MLM companies to double over the last decade. With this growth in interest in network marketing, many new companies have sprung up to join the ranks of the time-tested, older MLM companies.

If you are thinking of starting a side career in MLM, or just want to see how your current company measures up, take note of the critical things to look for when choosing an MLM company.

The first thing to look for is stability. It would be best if an MLM company has been in business for 2 to 5 years. There is really something about companies that have already "stood the test of time".

The longer the MLM company has been around, the more chance of it staying around. There are enough things to worry about in network marketing, such as sponsoring and advertising, without having to wonder if your company will be around next year.

Even if you were able to build the biggest downline and become the highest earner in the MLM company, it would not matter if they suddenly shut down. There are never any guarantees, but a company with a longer track record generally has more chances of longevity.

The second thing to look for is the one in charge of the company. Who is the president, and who are the directors? What is their track record? Have they spent time in the network marketing industry, or are they new to it all? What businesses have they been involved with in the past?

If you do not know the answer to these questions, call or email the company to find out. It is critical to know the answers to these questions from the outset. If you plan to spend many years with the MLM company, you would want to be dealing with people who are honest, savvy, and have integrity in and outside of the business world.

Third, is the product being marketed.  Generally speaking, the more products the better. The fewer products you have, the more chance your prospects or potential customers might not be interested.

There was one MLM telecommunications company that recently went bankrupt. They basically only had a few products in the industry. Perhaps if they had added some nutritional products, they could have survived.

In addition to this, the products should be competitively priced, and somewhat unique.
Fourth, know if it is easy to start in that MLM company. Can people join online, or do they have to fill out paper forms?

Having the option to join online makes the whole process a lot easier. On the same note, having the option to join free will open up your opportunity to many more people.

Your MLM company should let people join free and allow them to market the products to earn income. Once someone has joined free, they have partially committed to the business. This makes it easier for you and your company to follow up with them, via mail or email.

Lastly, the more automated the MLM company is, the better. They should give you a personal company website that you can refer prospects to. A prospect should be able to contact you from that page.

And the MLM company should have a series of emails that follow up with your prospects.

The home-based MLM business opportunities

Posted: 23 Feb 2008 03:42 AM CST

Is it possible to enter into a home-based MLM business opportunity over the Internet? Why not? The "yes" will answer you right in front of your face. Everything is possible with the participation of Internet especially in the modern business transactions.

But is home-based MLM business opportunity feasible and profitable? How can one succeed in this kind of business?

Are you ready to take a ride into the four-step procedures toward a successful home-based MLM business?

Here they are:

Step number 1. Recruit First

Why do you have to recruit first instead of doing other things?

Home-based MLM business opportunities are network marketing. It is composed of uplines and downlines.

Uplines are independent representatives who recruit another independent representative which they will use in the direct selling of goods and services to customers. Put simply, the recruiter is the upline. They get their commission on the sales of the other independent representatives.

On the other hand, the recruited independent representatives are the downlines. Home-based MLM business opportunity is a commission-based joint effort of uplines and downlines.

That is the main reason why both uplines and downlines must work together. Without the other, the whole business force will be paralyzed. It will not function.

What does this mean? Both parties share the same level of importance or significance to the group. Try to imagine a home-based MLM business opportunity without uplines and downlines? It does not seem right, isn't it? You're going to have these four (4) "NO":

If you do not have recruited independent representatives or if they are not working effectively, there will be no income, no consumption of products and services, no one to market the products and services and no one will cater the customers.

Step number 2. Maintain the minimum sales required.

Home-based MLM business opportunities are so simple yet requires careful analysis of the sales income. You have to be a mathematician on this part to be able to tally your expenses and revenues.

Everyday, independent representatives market the products and services. So make it a habit to tally the income entering everyday and the expenses leaving every hour.

Step number 3. Monitor the consumption of products and services.

Check your inventory. There is no further explanation needed as it is stated clearly enough. This simply means maintaining the minimum stock of products available to avoid having an empty or void stock.

Step number 4. Train your downlines regularly.

In every field, learning is always a requirement. Even if you are a teacher, you still need to study and learn.

The thing here is to have a constant training schedule for the downlines. Study shows that a well-instructed downline creates a big difference than the downline with stagnant information in mind.

Constant study really pays at the end. Some of the recommended topics are proper customer treatment, how to communicate effectively, business ethics, and everything that is needed to help them as well as your home-based MLM business.

If you have already taken into account all the procedures needed to have a successful home-based MLM business opportunity, you are now ready towards establishing that career path.

The formulas are already in your hands. All that is needed now is to get it into effect. The only thing missing to complete the home-based MLM business opportunity is you.

When Money Lies Beneath the Lists

Posted: 23 Feb 2008 03:36 AM CST

Are you successful with your Internet business? Better yet, do you think you are successful with your online business? When most online entrepreneurs are asked with these questions, they often brush it off. This is because most of them, who have not yet realize the right way to succeed in Internet Marketing, continue to believe that the mere fact that they have a website is already enough to succeed on the Internet.

The truth is, they all end up very upset because they fail to realize the secret behind the success in Internet Marketing.

Having a website is not a guarantee that your online business will succeed. How will you succeed if people will not realize that your business exist online? The key to Internet marketing is to get your business noticed.

An effective way to do this is to build an opt-in list. In fact, most of the people who are already experts in Internet marketing will tell you that building a highly targeted opt in list is the most effective and important tool in Internet marketing.

Basically, an opt in list is a list of email addresses of people who have agreed to obtain any kind of information from online businesses like you. The term "opt in" means that you have their permission to send to them whatever newsletters, brochures, or promotions that you have in your online business.

It is extremely important that you have their permission first before you send them information because unsolicited emails will be regarded as spam, and spamming is an illegal activity in the Net.

Because of the feasibility of building an opt in list on Internet marketing, most of the online entrepreneurs consider it as the most treasured tool online. They need this list in order to get the consumer's attention and sustain interest.

By creating an opt in list, you will be able to maintain solid contact with your previous buyers at the same time boost your sales because of the fact that you have a sure target market always ready to purchase items from you.

Opt in list is considered to be the most important item in an Internet marketer. In fact, if in case something bad happens like emergencies and catastrophes and they could only save one item, it would be their opt in list saved on a backup disk.

Just imagine how these people value their opt in list. If this is the case, then it must be really something, right?

So, for people who are not yet aware of the importance of building a highly targeted opt in list and would like to know how to build them, here are some tips that could be very useful.

1. Decide on your niche market or your target market.

It is extremely important to know your target market in order to focus on something. It would be really confusing and time consuming if you will build an opt in list with no particular market in mind.

Moreover, having a niche market would bring more focus on your marketing campaigns and would derive better results because you have direct you emails to people who would most likely be interested in them.

2. Be sure that your selected target market is available in the Internet.

The mere acquisition of a niche market is not a guarantee that you can already start building your opt in list. Since, the concept of opt in list is specifically generated to aid in the growth of the Internet market of a particular entrepreneur, it is important to have a niche market that is available through the Internet.

The concept is basically simple, how can you promote your online business if your niche market is not available in the Internet? Hence, it is extremely important to verify if your target market is available online.

3. Verify if your chosen target market is income-generating market.

Building a highly targeted opt in list will just go to waste if your niche market is not generating any income at all.

Try to verify their income-generating potential through the search engines, wherein you will find some paid ads related to the keywords you have searched. This would only mean that if somebody is willing to pay to advertise focusing on the same target market that you have in mind, chances are, you will be able to reap positive results on your target market.

4. Generate solutions to the problems of your target market by using Internet forum.

Creating this type of forum will initiate the underlying solutions that will answer to most of your target market's problem.

Through their posts and threads, you will be able to identify your target market's problem and will be able to come up with a great solution. In turn, it will be very handy when you make your opt in list.

Indeed, the success of an online business or Internet marketing greatly depends on the opt in list. It is where the online businesses could come up with newsletters that would allow them to promote their products at the same time create the need for it. In turn, it will generate more income and make more money.

As they say, money is in the list that's why most businesses consider opt in list as valuable as gold.

Building Our Business with an Opt-in List

Posted: 23 Feb 2008 03:31 AM CST

Before revealing the secrets of the trades, here are myths and fallacies that need to be cleared before one indulges into building an opt-in list. These marketing misconceptions could pose so much of an obstacle towards your profitting well from your business.

Not a lot of people use email

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing methods nowadays simply because virtually almost all people use email. Check on those email fields or blanks required to be filled up on various forms needed in processing different transactions. A person without an email address is tantamount to a person without an online home, which is one big shameful truth for this generation.

Email marketing campaigns can offend a lot of people

The not-so secret way to surmount this dilemma is through permission-based advertising. There’s no harm in trying after asking for permission.

It’s stupid to send email to all the people

The key to this predicament is to have a very discerning eye on who to email and who to not email. Better look for some metrics on how to know which group of people would give you high ROI or return on investment.

The Real Deal with Building Opt-in List

After clearing the fog regarding email marketing myths, here’s how one can benefit from employing the power of email marketing campaigns - building an opt-in list.

However, building an opt-in list is not a piece of cake particularly for the uninitiated. Here is a roundown of tips on how to succeed in this kind of marketing endeavor.

1. Strategic Collection of Data

Know which information from your audiences will help you in lowering expenses and/or make sales flourish. Devise a tactic to make people voluntarily provide you with the information necessary to create higher conversion.

Overload of data is not good. Ask only for opt-in, with their full name and email addresses. Make sure that the profiles that you gather are updated to aid in improving the relevance, timeliness and satisfaction from each deal you make.

2. Good Implementation

Old adage says it all - ‘action speaks louder than words’. This easily translates to the difficulty one has to undergo during the execution of his or her email marketing efforts. It’s a good thing that various methods, often low-cost, abound to hasten and facilitate the building up of one’s opt-in database.

Tracking your email marketing results can pose great hardship, too. Technology and relevant sources should be employed in making this aspect of your marketing a lot manageable. Your high traffic groups of opt-ins with the greatest result should be taken noted of.

The following are the most widely used methods to leverage channels without overspending:

1. Make use of websites.

It is an excellent tool for data collation and providing you with relevant info regarding your email offers. Use forms that solicit your visitor’s email address and consent.

2. Make use of print ads, brochures, TV, radio and direct mail.

These are the more popular ways of marketing aiming to lead traffic to one’s site. You may want to ask for signups for email services. Make your website more visible through these media. Offering free electronic newsletters and or rewards program can do well in making it easy to win the nod of your audiences, too.

3. Maximize your sales force.

Customer service associates can help a lot in making you benefit more from your email correspondence. Sales people with proper education on how to aid you in this endeavor can very well contribute to higher ROI. Techniques like offering account updates and special programs through email can easily land you those lists of valuable visitors.

4. Don’t make your point of sale pointless.

Forms for signup located at cash registers and other high-traffic and highly visible spots can be very excellent venues for your business to collect email addresses. Notification of upcoming sales through their email addresses and names can coax them to supply you with the information you need.

5. Conferences or trade shows can work, too.

Giveaway offers or entries on sweepstakes are great for opt-in to volunteer their contact details.

These tactics should be applied with adequate caution and should focus on earning the trust of your opt-in list instead of simply collating data for your sole own benefit. Always make sure that the forms that you will use and other methods that you will employ will not necessitate too much fuss to subscribe. This is for people to not be annoyed during the process of data supplication.

With that bunch of information, who can ever go wrong with the feat of building an opt-in list?

Emini Systems - Why Emini Systems Fail?


For two main reasons. Either the market refuses to cooperate or the developer refuses to accept the trading reality. It is the latter case that is much more serious and can do more damage to your account than the former.

Yes, the market can refuse to cooperate and it does so time and again, but if your system is simple and robust and you adopt a proper time perspective you should be able to withstand the market changes and come ahead as a winner when all is said and done. It may happen though that the system goes through a prolonged period of flatness when its equity curve refuses to grow and instead remains stuck in a range. This can obviously be frustrating and can cause some to abandon their systems prematurely.
That’s why it is important to start in a drawdown of at least 50% of the previous maximum drawdown and allow oneself a 150% drawdown reserve in case the market decides to continue digging in your equity curve. When you do this and stick to a 6-12 month time frame, you stand a very good chance to make money. No one can predict how much though and so sometimes when the year of trading the system comes to a close you may feel rather disappointed if the previous years prepared you to expect a better performance. It has been my experience that simple, robust (non-optimized) mechanical trading systems rarely completely fail, they might though test your mental strength more than you anticipated it. It is probably best to have no expectations, but simply set a reasonable time horizon and take what the market gives you.

The other failure mentioned above is of human nature and, unlike the previous one, it can be avoided as it is entirely up to the system developer. The failure of this kind usually happens for two reasons: either the system overtrades or its slippage is not properly accounted for. The developer is to blame for both of these problems.

Obviously, both of these situations can take place too and when this happens you have a recipe for a disaster. While frequent trading per se does not have to be detrimental to the system performance, in reality it is as it leads to more trading mistakes: the more often you trade, the more likely you are prone to various life imperfections and the actual performance suffers as a rule. It is however the other factor, the slippage that is not properly accounted for, that can easily kill your account, particularly if overtrading also takes place. While the slippage for the market and stop orders (the so-called ‘regular slippage’) can be easily estimated and taken into account, this is not so for the systems that use limit orders. (To be quite frank with you, I have seen vendors touting their systems as the true Holy Grail that would turn out to be only mediocre when regular slippage was taken into account. Their performance looked great simply because they traded frequently, but with slippage taken into account this was not so at all any longer.) The non-fill slippage (for limit orders) is harder to take into account and when ignored, it can easily lead to very inflated profits that will never materialize in actual trading. Obviously, the more often the system trades the bigger this kind of slippage is. The net result is a great looking equity curve that serves as a disguise for a losing system! It is only one way to make sure that something like that does not happen and that is to eliminate from your testing all the trades that only touched the entry but did not manage to penetrate it by at least one tick. I do this routinely to the systems I trade and if they survive such cleansing, I know that they are robust and can be trusted. Alas, this approach is rarely ever practiced by other vendors.

So who designs these kind of systems? Well, either really incompetent developers or the people of the mentality of used car salesmen, always eager to sell you their latest lemon. Because that’s what it is, the lemon! Don’t assume that systems like that do not exist on the market. They do, some vendors even seem to specialize in them, and they can do a lot of damage to your account rather fast. Your losses can be faster than if the market refused to cooperate, so whenever you see a great looking equity curve that belongs to a system that uses limit orders, do not assume immediately that this curve has much to do with reality as this may cost you a lot.

It’s silly to blame the market for the lack of cooperation and you cannot expect it to deliver. But you have the right to expect that the vendor provides you with reliable information about the realistic system performance. Since this does not always happen, there is no substitute for solid due diligence and the age-old saying about a fool and his money applies here as much as anywhere else.

Why People Are Rushing To Learn Real Estate Investing From Dean Graziosi


Since 1999, through his seminars, workshops, and television appearances, Dean Graziosi has touched the lives of countless of people all over the country. He has incorporated all his proven techniques for total fulfillment into books that are easy to read and easy to use. Using clear language and vivid examples, Dean Graziosi shows how personal, financial, professional, and relationship success cannot be separated. Rather, they are one in the same, and are actually easy to achieve.

Dean Graziosi didn’t have a lot of mentors in his life, but even at a young age, whether it was luck or genetics, Dean Graziosi truly believed that whatever he wanted to do, he could do. He admits he has often thought that was silly, but perhaps that silliness - to believe that he could do anything - was what allowed him to be successful.
No matter what obstacles he faced, when he decided to accomplish something, he believed he could do it. When people looked at him and thought “you’re crazy, or nuts” he became more secure. How can you grow if you don’t try something out of your comfort zone?

Graziosi just looked at the naysayers and I feel bad for them because they didn’t want to at least try. He looks back and feels blessed that he was gifted with that attitude, and feels so fortunate that he can share that with people. As a kid, Dean Graziosi’s mom literally worked two jobs and made about $90 a week. They lived in the only trailer park in town. He and his sister had hand-me-downs, and their mom drove such a junky car, they would make her drop them off two blocks away from school so the kids wouldn’t make fun of their car.

With his can do attitude, and the necessity of finding ways to make money, Dean turned his attention to finding ways to make money in real estate. With no knowledge and a lot of desire, he bought his first investment property, an apartment building. That deal worked so well, Graziosi started some creative real estate investing, and made one real estate investment after another after another, without using a dime of his own money, and started generating a small fortune at a young age.

Upon release his new book, “Be A Real Estate Millionaire: Secret Strategies for Lifetime Wealth Today” quickly became the fastest selling real estate investing book in the country. It is a simple, straight forward real estate investing guide for people who want to know how they can use the same strategies Dean has been using for over 20 years, and teaching to novice real estate investors all across the United States.

Dean Graziosi currently operates several successful ventures, and has properties from New York to Arizona. He has achieved great success in all areas of his life, using a variety of simple to teach techniques. He has also authored “Think a Little Different” a guide to building personal wealth through real estate.

Appearing on national television since 1999, Dean has helped thousands of regular people achieve tremendous financial and personal success. His books, audio and video products have sold millions of copies to date. Dean Graziosi lives in Phoenix, Arizona, and travels extensively, helping people throughout the United States to achieve their own dreams of success and fulfillment. “Be A Real Estate Millionaire” is exciting to read and easy to understand. Rest assured that even if you’re an old pro at real estate investing Dean’s book is worth every penny if you want simple, no-nonsense real estate investing advice.

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